spring Tag

May flowers are blooming & so is the Sonoma County market

Can you believe it’s almost summer? Along with the flowers and sunshine, the dynamics of our housing market are changing yet again. There is a subtle but important shift in the market this month. See below for more insight.

Kids are getting out of school and will be home for summer break. Meanwhile, teenagers are leaving home to get ready for college. Needless to say, May and June are months of adjustment. So, should your home adjust as well?

Spring Real Estate, NAR & Sonoma County Fun!

There’s a lot to cover with you this week! Let’s dive right in…

I first want to address the elephant in the room: The National Association of Realtors (NAR).

You’ve probably seen the headlines or maybe watched a video circulating on social media about the $418 million dollar lawsuit settlement this month.

Everyone is talking about it, and I have a few thoughts (and opinions) too.